Just Launched: Payout Links

The new Payout Links feature allows for payment between two parties with just a few clicks and no code necessary. Simply exchange a link and you can enable payout quickly and seamlessly. This link can be generated through the Dots API or through a dashboard.
Payments can be sent and received using Dots’ integrated ledger and wallet system. Customers can choose to send or withdraw funds in a multitude of ways (payouts to Venmo, Paypal, CashApp, and many more), easily accessible from the Dots App and completely frictionless for customers.
Payout Links are the most powerful feature Dots has released yet. Now our customers can integrate easier than ever! With just a couple lines of code, you receive a link that your users can frictionlessly use to get paid!
Dots handles all parts of the payment process

Payout Links let our customers avoid long delays in setting up money movement. It's incredibly powerful when paired with Dots' ability to handle the filing of tax forms like 1099s or W8s. Whether its using our dashboard to generate payments manually, or a quick and easy API integration, we've built the next generation of contractor payments functionality to power the world's best businesses
The Payout Link is the easiest way to initiate a payout, and the link does not need to be tied to a user. The link can be delivered via SMS or email. Once the link is claimed, the user can pay themselves out in any method they choose (ACH transfer, Venmo, Cash App, etc.). These links can easily be sent via SMS or email to their recipient.
- Easy to send links remove any friction from setup or use
- Dots handles the KYC (Know Your Customer) collection needed to file 1099 forms
This feature enables customers to send and receive money in a variety of ways and with no friction whatsoever throughout the process.
Getting Started
Now that Payout Links are out of our beta, we're excited to give new customers access! Schedule a chat below to get access and modernize your payouts overnight!